NBE News
January 27th 2025:
Farewell party to Kuldeep Mahtao upon completing his 5 years extremely successful postdoc appoiment.

January 8th 2025:
Dr. Wang’s Birthday Party

December 23th 2024 :
Featured in CNN: “Can sweat measure our medication levels?”
December 12th 2024 :
NBE Holiday Party in Old Town

Sep. 10th 2024:
Our 2022 PhD Fangyu has been selected to the prestigious MIT35 Under #35!!!
August 29th 2024:
Farewell party for Dr. Semra Akgonullu (Turkey), Prof. Ozge Surucu (Turkey), Julia Silberman (Brazil), Ada Raucci (Italy)

August 20th 2024:
Celebration dinner of 2024 ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry: Symposium in Honor Professor Joseph Wang in Denver with Prof. John Rogers, Prof. Wei Gao, Prof. Shana Kelley, Prof. Frances Ligler, Prof. Jun Chen, Prof. Jinxing Li, Prof. Amay Bandodkar, Prof. Netzahualcóyotl Arroyo-Currás, Prof. Shelley Minteer, Prof. Melissa Reynolds, Prof. Charles Herry.

June 14th 2024:
Farewell for Jiachi Zhou: Joining MIT as a PhD student

April 4th 2024:
Farewell party to Yujang Cho (South Korea)

Jan 8th 2024:
Dr. Wang’s Birthday Party

October 2023:
NBE Alumni reunion in Albania, 2023.

September 2023:
Farewell party to Dr. Ana Casanova Martinez (Spain) and Christoph Buehler (Germany).

June 2023:
Farewell party to Beatriz Arevalo Perez (Spain) , Silvia Vazquez Diaz (Spian), and Kittiya Sakdaphetsiri (Thailand).

June 2023:
Excellent seminar from Prof. Il-Doo Kim (KAIST).

New NBE alumni, May 2023:
Farewell party to Dr. Jongmin Moon (Korea) .

New NBE alumni, April 2023:
Farewell party to Dr. Fangyu Zhang (China) and Dr. Lu Yin (China) .

New NBE alumni, January 2023:
Farewell party to Thidarut Laochai (Thailand), Dr. Rafael Del Caño Ochoa (Spain), Letícia Francine Mendes (Brazil) and Dionysios Soulis (Greece) .

NBE January 2023:
Farewell party to Dr. Eva Vargas Orgaz.

NBE December 2022:
Farewell party to Cristina Muñoz San Martin, Dr. Ernesto De La Paz, and Dr. Rodolfo Mundaca-Uribe.

NBE December 2022:
NBE Holiday Trip- on the Ferry to Coronado Island

NBE November 2022:
Many congratulations to Dr. Fangyu Zhang for successfully defending their Ph.D. thesis.

NBE November 2022:
Many congratulations to Dr. Ernesto De La Paz and Dr. Rodolfo Mundaca-Uribe for successfully defending their Ph.D. thesis.

NBE July 2022:
Andy’s farewell

June 2022:
NBE alumni (Dr. Prasad Pamidi, Prof Rivas, and Dr. Maria P) reunion in Hungry.

May 2022:
Many congratulations to Dr. Lu Yin for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis work!

April 2022:
Warm congratulations to our lab alumna Dr. Juliane Sempionatto (Ph.D. 2021) for receiving the “2022 IUPAC-Solvay international award for young chemists” and the “Chemosensors 2021 Ph.D. Thesis Award“.
February 2022:
Prof. Arben Merkoci’s visit to NBE

February 2022:
Farewell to Dr. Victor

December 2021:
Warm congratulations to our lab alumni Dr. Amay J. Bandodkar (Ph.D. 2016) for securing a position in “America’s 50 Greatest Disruptors: visionaries and innovators ” by Newsweek
December 2021:
Farewell to Dr. Cristian Silva and Dr. Farshad Tehrani

September 2021:
Virtual Farewell for Miguel

July 2021:
Warm congratulations to our lab alumni Dr. Amay J. Bandodkar (Ph.D. 2016) for his selection to the prestigious MIT35 Innovator List.
April 2021:
Virtual Farewell for Juliane, and Emil

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